90 cute wallpapers that will make you long for summer

Interiors 26-7-2019 Archzine 46524

Summer is here! Let’s be honest, summer is the best season. The sun is shining and with it your mood gets better immediately. You ditch all of those super heavy coats and clothes. Summer is the season of holidays and, most of all, time on the beach. I don’t know about you, but I try to get into the summer mood even before it is officially summer. How do I do it? Well, first of all I rearrange my wardrobe and get all of my super cute dresses ready. Then, I start listening to cool summer music. Finally, I decorate my phone and desktop computer with cute wallpapers, which remind me of summer.

In this article, you can find 90 summer wallpapers, which you can use for your phone or computer. Trust me, as soon as you see these images, you will start thinking of sandy beaches and beautiful sunsets. They are definitely going to get you in the summer mood and make you wish you were on holiday. So, if you are stuck in an office right now, reading this. Please, get one of our cute desktop backgrounds and grace your screen with it. It will make working until your next vacation a lot easier.

Hello summer – cute wallpapers that will make you long for summer

hello summer, green palm leaves, pink flowers, cute wallpapers, white background

What are the most popular trends amongst summer wallpapers?

  • Sandy beaches – you can find wallpapers depicting gorgeous beaches from all over the world. They are sure to make you wonder why haven’t you sold everything you own and moved to the Maldives yet?
  • Sunset skies over the ocean – there is something special about sunsets. As the day ends, you think “Oh, there goes another day.” It is especially cool if you have had a productive day. And, listen, I consider a day on the beach a productive day. You are working on your well-being, after all. Sunset skies bring a plethora of colors, which makes them especially beautiful to photograph.
  • Pineapples and coconuts – well, all exotic fruits actually. You can find so many interesting photos of cool pineapples with sunglasses, for example. There is something about pineapples and coconuts that makes you think of exotic destinations, beaches and clear, turquoise water.
  • Flowers – summer is the season of colorful flowers. Need we say more?
  • Flamingos – I don’t know when it happened, but flamingos took the world by storm. People seem to have fallen in love with flamingos. And that is okay, they are cute animals and beacause of their gorgeous pink color, they take center stage on lots of cute lock screens.
  • Palm trees – clear sign of hot weather. Palm trees only grow in extremely hot temperatures, which is why they are usually associated with places with lots of sun and beaches.
  • Watermelons – another fruit that grows only during summer. Watermelons are tasty, fresh and keep you cool. They are also a staple of summer.

Pineapples and coconuts are symbols of summer

cute wallpapers, pineapple and coconut, pink flowers, yellow paper, green palm leaves

Now it is time to introduce you to our gorgeous selection of amazing summer wallpapers for both your phone and your desktop computer or laptop. So, keep scrolling to find the ones, which you would fall in love with.

Just looking at this makes me want to be on the beach

shades of blue, ocean water, beach and trees, cute wallpapers

Cute wallpapers – Summer that never ends

turquoise background, pineapples and coconuts, white flowers, cute wallpapers

Just look at this gorgeous sunset sky

purple sky, sunset sky, cute wallpapers, string lights, tall palm trees

And a little something for your desktop computer or laptop

cool wallpapers, turquoise ocean water, blue sky, white clouds, white beach sand

Green succulents

green succulents, arranged together, cool wallpapers

Dreaming of the beach right now

ocean wave, blue sky, island in the background, cool wallpapers

Minimalistic and beautiful

green palm tree leaf, on a pink background, cool wallpapers

Take me there, please

wooden tent, wooden chairs and tables, cool wallpapers, blue sky, next to the water

How clear is this water

turquoise water, seashells on the sand, cute backgrounds

All the things to remind you of the beach in one photo

photo collage, beach vibes, beach photos, cute backgrounds, good vibes

black sunglasses, in the beach sand, cute backgrounds, blue sky

blue sky, turquoise ocean water, cute backgrounds, white flowers floating

This image is truly stunning

clashing waves, dark water, cute backgrounds

girly wallpapers, coconut, with a cocktail straw, paper umbrella, white flowers, seashells in the sand

floral wallpaper, girly wallpapers, pink and red flowers, green palm tree leaves

Palm trees, palm trees everywhere

sunset sky, girly wallpapers, black palm trees, in the water

sunset sky, white beach sand, orange and purple sky, girly wallpapers

floral wallpaper, palm tree leaves, pink and white flowers, girly wallpapers

blue background, sliced coconuts, cute iphone wallpaper

good vibes only, cute iphone wallpaper, photos from the beach, positive vibes

Even if you can’t go to the beach, a pool is always a good idea

turquoise pool water, pool floats, ice cream, hot dog, french fries, donut and hamburger, cute iphone wallpaper

different rocks, under the water, cute iphone wallpaper

Donuts disguised as fruits, because we don’t need anyone telling us that sugar is bad for you, I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life

decorated donuts, orange and kiwi, watermelon and pineapple, cute iphone wallpaper

blue background, black palm trees, cute wallpapers for girls, pink sun

drawing of bees, on white background, cute wallpapers for girls

Hello summer – welcome the summer with these scrumptious watermelons

slices of watermelon, on pink background, cute wallpapers for girls, hello summer

Go where you feel most alive – like on a beach somewhere

go where you fell most alive, cute wallpapers for girls, turquoise ocean water, beach sand

good vibes, photo collage, cute wallpapers for girls, motivational quotes

hello sweet summer, sliced watermelon, aesthetic iphone wallpaper, pink background

hello summer, pink flamingos, pink flowers, green palm leaves, aesthetic iphone wallpaper

And a little something to keep you cool in the heat

colorful lollies, aesthetic iphone wallpaper, yellow and orange, purple and blue, pink and green

drawing of a tall, tidal wave, aesthetic iphone wallpaper

ocean waves, clashing in the middle, aesthetic iphone wallpaper, blue water

cute backgrounds for girls, summer fruits, on a white background, lime and grapefruit, green palm leaves

ocean waves, cute backgrounds for girls, houses in the background

photo collage, cute backgrounds for girls, vintage car, starbucks cups, blue sneakers

whole pineapple, with a pink crown, cute backgrounds for girls, pink and blue background

Cool wallpapers – a pineapple with sunglasses

pineapple with sunglasses, pink flower, cute backgrounds for girls, pink background

pink palm trees, cute lockscreens, white background

cute lockscreens, blue pool water, ice cream, pool floats

sunset sky, purple flowers, purple and pink sky, cute lockscreens

Let the sunshine in

swing on a palm tree, cute lockscreens, pal tree over the ocean water

sliced coconuts, on a blue background, cute lockscreens

Cute backgrounds

colored drawing, of sliced coconuts, cute phone backgrounds, white background

cute phone backgrounds, colored drawing, sliced lemons, on blue background

sliced watermelons, on white background, colored drawing, cute phone backgrounds

Girly wallpapers

floral wallpaper, pink and red flowers, cute phone backgrounds

cute phone backgrounds, floral wallpaper, summer wallpaper, red flowers, dark green bushes

summer lovin, summer wallpaper, blue pool water

Cute iPhone wallpaper

summer wallpaper, bananas and pineapples, peaches and passion fruit, pink and white flowers

sun shining, through a palm leaf, summer wallpaper, palm trees, in the background

sunset sky, ocean waves, summer wallpaper, beach sand

sunset sky, summer wallpaper, ocean waves, blue and orange sky

Cute wallpapers for girls

cute quote wallpapers, pier going into the water, ocean waves, sunset sky

sunshine on my mind, cute quote wallpapers, blue pool water

tall palm tree, on the side of the road, parked van, cute quote wallpapers

Aesthetic iPhone wallpaper

sunset sky, tall palm trees, cute quote wallpapers, birds flying

Cute phone backgrounds

tall palm trees, in the water, large umbrellas, cute quote wallpapers, sunset sky

cute computer backgrounds, tall palm trees, blue sky, white clouds

Super cute backgrounds for girls

two pineapples, wearing sunglasses, cute computer backgrounds, in the beach sand

vitamin sea, small wave, cute computer backgrounds, blue background

Cute lockscreens

watercolor marble, cute computer backgrounds, purple and green, blue and gold

wooden signs, wooden tables and chairs, cute computer backgrounds, surf board, leaning on a wooden fence

Cute computer backgrounds

cute wallpapers 2019, pink flamingo, be a happy dreamer today, white background

colored drawing, green cactuses, blooming pink flowers, cute wallpapers 2019

choose happiness, green palm leaves, cute wallpapers 2019, black background

Do not be scared to take a path that is less travelled – cute quote wallpapers

colored drawing, vintage van, cute wallpapers 2019, green palm leaves, white background

slices of watermelon, colored drawing, in a white background, cute wallpapers 2019

sun shining, through the trees, cute desktop backgrounds, path through the forest

be a pineapple, green palm leaves, cute desktop backgrounds, white background, motivational quotes

summer lovin, floral wallpaper, cute desktop backgrounds, pink and white flowers

dandelion flower, seeds flying, cute desktop backgrounds, sunset sky

Summer wallpaper

give yourself a frickin break, ocean waves, cute desktop backgrounds

cute summer wallpapers, large rocks, by the water, tall palm trees, turquoise ocean water

ocean waves, cute summer wallpapers, beach sand

orange and yellow, green and purple, pink and blue, lounge chairs, cute summer wallpapers, on the beach

Cute desktop backgrounds

tall palm trees, over the beach, cute summer wallpapers, sunset sky, ocean waves

green palm leaves, drawn on pink background, cute summer wallpapers

say yes to now, cute wallpapers for lock screen, green cactuses, pink background

seven men, watching the sea, cute wallpapers for lock screen, boat in the background

small rocks, on the beach, ocean waves, blue sky, cute wallpapers for lock screen

Cute summer wallpapers

blue sky, cute wallpapers for lock screen, tall palm trees

summer written in the sand, cute wallpapers for lock screen, blue and green, yellow and red, flip flops

rose gold iphone wallpaper, ocean waves, sunset sky, over the ocean

Sunshine on my mind – cute wallpapers 2019

sunshine on my mind, rose gold iphone wallpaper, yellow flowers, blue sky

three pineapples, on white background, rose gold iphone wallpaper

blue pool water, pink pool float, rose gold iphone wallpaper

colorful gradient, rose gold iphone wallpaper, yellow and green, blue and orange, pink and purple

The post 90 cute wallpapers that will make you long for summer appeared first on Architecture E-zine.

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