111 Insanely Creative Cool Things to Draw Today

Home Design 12-5-2017 homesthetics 12930

There are many hobbies one can take up to fill up spare time, some go fishing or hiking whilst others embrace the arts, in the form of singing, dancing, writing or randomly building awesome wooden plane models. One of the most accessible and creative act is drawing though, unlike playing an instrument or skying which presume a certain investment and context for exercising your hobby, drawing only requires a blank sheet of paper and a pencil, for beginners at least. Those who have some experience can go a step further, buy some brushes, a palette and colors and embrace painting. Drawing or sketching are activities that start with simple concepts that are easy to grasp and after a few attempts things will start to feel natural. Start with the basics, you`ll find inspiring cool things to draw in the comment section below and online numerous free step by step drawing tutorials have surfaced, all meant to encourage you to take on artistic endeavors.

For those of you who are in the beginning, we have prepared some easy to draw, lovely ideas and we hope the examples in this article will give you fresh inspiration for upcoming projects, cast a glance.

1. Colorful mandala drawing

To find inspiration for a beautiful drawing like this one, just take a closer look at the nature around you. You’ll find beautiful patterns in flowers, leaves and snowflakes.


via instagram.com

2. impressive rainbow feather

If you can create awesome line designs, then start working on your color skills. A good sketch is always going to impress. Keep it simple.


via getpaidtodrawreview

3. playing with colors 


via tumblr.com

4. sketchy holding hands drawing

Draw with your heart, not your mind and the result will be much more original and personal. Keep in mind though that everything in nature is based on math and has a logic behind it.


via weddingswithzsazsa.tumblr.com

5. TRANSMITTING emotions though the human body is an art 


via thingstodraw.info

6. time themed intriguing drawing 

A result like this is definitely something personal. Nature isn’t mimicked but rather used to create something that only that drawer can imagine.

via society6.com

7. simple and easy girls sketch


via Riley Griffith

8. using contrast to create a nighttime landscape

If you look around you’ll notice that objects around us are not defined by straight or curved lines. Instead, what gives them shape are colors, textures and shadows. Our eyes perceive the difference between an illuminated surface and a shaded one.


via thedivertgentseries.com

9. Simple and natural

The beautiful may reside in the unknown, it may find refuge in the little things, the feathers on the dress and the butterfly in her hair are not just details, they make the design.


via tumblr

10. floral themed line design

There are a variety of methods to define a shape. This example uses only lines that change their curvature according to the form and orientation of every leaf.


via Marina Ávila

11. transforming animals into complex geometric drawings

After mastering the art of drawing, try to create your own distinctive style. There are no limits in art and anything that looks good is applauded.

111 Insanely Creative Cool Things to Draw Today

via kerbyrosanes.deviantart.com

12. nature inspired animal shaped trees

I love the way the artist has perceived the natural world. Shaping trees as animals reveals a great amount of talent that comes from the heart.

111 Insanely Creative Cool Things to Draw Today

via thisiscolossal.com

13. find inspiration in the little things 

via liskfeng.com

14. abstract shapes are easier to draw

via pretty-teeth.blogspot.ca

15. drawing is not always an exact science

Sometimes drawings can be support techniques and illustrations over an image. A camera can express reality with perfect accuracy. An artist might feel the need to challenge his imagination to create something new.

via lucyjonesart.com

16. love is in the little things 

Even the simplest drawings evoke memories and feelings. It’s not the detailing that counts but it transmits to the viewer.

via indulgy.com

17. creativity is the key to any drawing 

Some artists create paintings unlike anything else. The more unusual they are, the harder it is to see what they wanted to express. Any viewer will look twice to try to understand its meaning.

via Keithey Love

18. drawings can send a powerful message 

via weheartit.com

19. contours are enough to create a shape 

Use any means to shape the elements you wish to draw. Do not limit yourself to conventional methods and see the potential in any concept.

via weheartit.com

20. DETAILing equals intriguing drawings

via imgkid

21. colors contribute greatly to the message

Bright colors suggest a scene full of life and happiness. Pastel and darker colors like this one suggest a rather sad setting, meant to express some powerful feelings.

111 Insanely Creative Cool Things to Draw Today

via charliebowater.tumblr.com

22. kids love cute little drawings

via eljart.nl

23. true artists are often perfectionists

The difference between a drawing and the real world is that what surrounds us is not shaped by lines. You don’t see them in a photo either. Use only gradients and colors to create a more photo realistic image.

111 Insanely Creative Cool Things to Draw Today

via Shelby White

24. PHOTO REALISTIC drawings are always impressive  

via instagram

25. use shadows to create shapes 

The wrinkles in the giraffe`s face are basically defining its shape, without them, it wouldn’t be so distinctive. How to draw them though, that’s the catch. It takes a lot of practice to master it. The point is that our brains perceive the difference between shadow and light, thus creating a mental image of what we see, this contrast creates depth . Same thing happens in nature. This is only a mean of representing a tri-dimensional shape on a sheet of paper.

111 Insanely Creative Cool Things to Draw Today

via Cherie Jenkins

26. simple sketches are sometimes PREFERRED 

via pamandpea.tumblr.com

27. there’s a logic behind any drawing

The most accessible way of drawing a complex shape is to firstly create a set of boundaries that define the general shape. Then, step by step, you get closer to fine details and rendering.

via theartallaround.blogspot.com

28. carefully chosen proportions define the human body

It all starts with some basic contours. Artist rarely go straight to the fine detailing. Moreover, each part of the human body can be defined geometrically or it can at least be constrained to a geometric shape that is easier to draw. Afterwards, it’s all about imagination and talent.

via rapidfireart.com

29. take everything step by step

Especially if you’re a beginner, don’t go for the end result right away. Do some contouring first and then learn to enrich them with shades and colors.

via artistsnetwork.com

30. use beautiful patterns to create art

via stephalynnd.tumblr.com

31. flowers are easy to draw

Seeking inspiration in nature is always a good advice for beginners and people who want to exercise their drawing skills. Once your hand will be used to draw what it sees, it will be much easier for you to express your thoughts and imagination.

via pixgood.com

32. find joy in anything you do 

via instagram

33. no color sometimes is the right color

via albumsceline.blogspot.com

34. OCCASIONALLY  erasing is as important as drawing 

You can almost feel the heat of the flame right? That’s thanks to the contrast between the flame and the background.

via idiotsguides.com

35. interesting ideas come from beautiful minds 

via Renae Keatley

36. combine various elements into unique designs 

via etsy.com

37. awesome floral themed black and white painting 

via flickr

38. the process of constructing a human face 

Almost any shape can be reduced to simple geometric forms like spheres and cubes. Start by dividing the object into clear simple parts and then add the details.

via linesandcolors.com

39. everything in nature is carefully proportioned 

via saraneth672.deviantart.com

40. alluring monochromatic mini landscapes

Carefully arranged, these amazing drawings would create a beautiful collection to beautify a wall or a nightstand. Either way, the artist has succeeded in creating very detailed images with simple means, through passion.

Source Unknown

41. IRREGULARLY beautiful distinct forms 

via flickr

42. charming pen drawn eye and patterns 

via instagram.com

43.  explore the beauty of the human body

Just like any other occupation, drawing requires skill and talent but through careful studying and understanding the process, anyone can master it and create wonderful images.

via fortags.com

44. you don’t need lines to define a shape

via saatchionline.com

45. nature is always a good source of inspiration 

via Toni Kelly

46. turning a sketch into a DETAILED shape

via behance.net

47. starting a drawing from a powerful idea 

An artist surges inspiration from everything and unusual ideas, beautiful concepts, surface. A common drawing will not raise too many eyebrows but an exceptional concept will make everybody curious.

via facebook

48. imagination is a limitless source of ideas 

via abduzeedo.com

49. beautiful floral WHALE drawing 

via instagram

50. details make the design

via © Alfred Basha Mais

51. nature demands its right

One flower is surely beautiful but imagine a dozen. It takes quite a lot of work but the result will most likely be worth hanging on the wall.

via  © Alfred Basha Mais

52. see the small things that make the world beautiful 

via © Alfred Basha Mais

53. fascinating liner hand drawing 

It looks so good I almost wish it was real! Grandma’s cookies are all that’s missing.

via instagram

54. Try to CREATE something new

via instagram.com

55. all lines rock drawing

There’s a secret to representing any shape. Choose the one that fits your style the best and start practicing.

via ak47.tumblr.com

56. creating small and cute drawings

via instagram

57. you don’t need to be exact to express something

Some type of drawings, especially architectural ones require just enough information to express an idea, a place or a landscape. The viewers mind can fill in the gaps.

via Pinterest

58. understanding perspective is the key to any sketch

The world around us is different from the image that our brain creates. We perceive it through a process that altera shapes and colors known as perspective. If it where any other way, we wouldn’t be able to perceive distance and make the difference between two objects miles apart from each other. This is the first step to make a landscape realistic.

via behance

59. find inspiration in your personality 

via freecreatives.com

60. lovely sketchy shopfronts 

Looks so easy! Give it a go yourself and see how talented you are!

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