Save the Date 4/21: The Brave New World of Design on @designmilk IGTV

Interiors 3-4-2020 DesignMilk 523

Save the Date 4/21: The Brave New World of Design on @designmilk IGTV

We feel the need for connection and conversation as we navigate the current COVID-19 situation, so we are hosting a day of design talks on Tuesday, April 21, 2020 on @designmilk IGTV called “The Brave New World of Design”.

The series will take the form of brief, intimate highly-focused videos from experts who will weigh in on important topics like:

  • What is the future of cities?
  • Why wellness is as important as ever.
  • We can all agree life will be profoundly different on the other side of this pandemic, but what does that different look like?
  • How might COVID-19 change the future of kitchen design?
  • What is the future of the art world and how will AR/VR impact it?
  • How the new WFH culture could impact the future of real estate holdings? …and more!

Speakers include Director of the Connected Cities Lab at University of Melbourne Michele Acuto, former DWR CEO John Edelman, Debbie Millman, Gregg Buchbinder of Emeco, RISD President Rosanne Somerson, CEO of ASID Randy Fiser, Joseph White of Herman Miller and others.

Stay tuned for a full schedule of topics and speakers.

For additional information about the event or to inquire about sponsorship, please email advertising@design-milk.com. We could use your support!

Save the 4/21 date and we will see you there!

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