CTBUH 2020 International Student Tall Building Design Competition

Competitions 23-3-2020 Bustler 678
Registration Deadline: Jul 13, 2020; Submission Deadline: Jul 20, 2020

The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) is now accepting submissions for its 9th International Student Tall Building Design Competition, which will distribute $21,000 in prizes to exceptional projects. Top finalists will also have the opportunity to present in real time for winning distinctions during the CTBUH 2020 International Conference's core programming, which will take place in Singapore from October 20–21, 2020. 

The goal of the competition, which is open to all students who are currently enrolled at the university level, is to shed new light on the meaning and value of tall buildings in modern society. Participants should engage with the exploration and resolution of the synergistic relationship between a tall building and its urban setting; how that tall building can be inspired by the cultural, physical, and environmental aspects of its site; how the program of the building is influenced by the micro and macro site/urban conditions; and how the building responds to global issues. Proposals should show evidence of a clear understanding of how considerations of structure, environment, servicing, etc. are as vital to the success of a tall building as the form, materials, aesthetics, etc.

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