Learn Easy and Cost-Effective Ways to Keep Your House Cool

If you can protect the environment and save money at the same time, why wouldn’t you want to do it?

That’s a rhetorical question of course! And we are sure most of you would be delighted at an opportunity which serves your wallet and Mother Earth as well.

Keeping that in mind, we have prepared 10 simple solutions to keep your house cool and ensure that you don’t need to switch on the air conditioner. If you are able to follow one or more of these ideas, you can surely save a significant amount on energy costs.

Let’s not dilly-dally any longer and get started, shall we?

Cost-Effective Ways to Keep Your House Cool

Use Indoor Plants

Indoor plants don’t just help in making your interior more beautiful, but they also do a wonderful job in purifying the air and lowering the temperature.

Plants like Aloe Vera, snake plant, golden pothos, and ferns do a great job in cooling and humidifying the air. Some of these are also known to be quite efficient at removing formaldehyde from the air.

So, do check out all the types of plants which can improve your home’s air quality and bring about a fresh change to your décor.

Plant Trees Too 

Imagine this scenario – the sun is burning hot outside and you have two options to protect yourself from the heat – one, you can stand under an awning or two, a large tree. Which one would you choose? Obviously, the latter, right?

Trees not only provide shade, but also bring down the temperature around it. And if you live in a house with a sizeable front and backyard, do make it a point to strategically plant large trees.

Remember, the placement matters quite a lot. So, where should you plant them? Facing the east, right? Eh, wrong! Trees planted on the east, have no effect on the electricity consumption.

You should ideally plant shade trees to the west or south to maximize electricity savings. In case you are wondering, this is because of how shadows change according to the position of the sun at different times of the day.

If you want to learn more about how shade trees can reduce your electricity consumption, do check out this study.

Install A Ceiling Fan

If you live in an area which doesn’t get quite as hot and humid as summers in India, you might be better off with a ceiling fan instead of an AC. Not only will you save a ton of money, but you will also do the planet a favor. And let’s face it, who doesn’t want that?

There are few things to keep in mind though. You can’t be careless while operating the fan. A lot of us forget to switch off the fan when we leave the room. And while that may not be as bad as keeping the AC switched on, multiple instances can add up to quite a significant amount.

Another thing to note while installing a fan is the placement. Remember, a fan does not cool the entire room. It only helps you stay cool. So, place the ceiling fan near or on top of the most common seating or sleeping areas.

Also, fans in general might not be good fit for hot and dry climates. It might make matters worse by blowing hot air straight at you. On the other hand, if you live in a humid place, fans can be the saving grace in more ways than one.

A Tower Fan Might Be Even Better

If the ceiling fan isn’t your cup of tea, you can also consider a tower fan. Tower fans carry one major benefit over their ceiling counterparts, and that is the convenience factor. You can move the tower fan easily across the entire house and place it where you need it the most.

Some even have quite futuristic designs (the Dyson products come to mind), and that’s not something you can say about the ceiling fans. Sure, ceiling fans can bring about a classy vibe, but, if you have a modern, minimalist interior, a cool tower fan should be a better fit.

Another benefit tower fans have over ceiling fans, is that some models come with extra cooling capabilities. This type of tower fan will work better in hot and dry weather conditions.

Time To Bring Back Awnings

Awnings are just not as popular as they used to be in the early 20th century. Architects nowadays, prefer function over form, and it’s pretty evident in the modern high rises. They just look like a flat slab of glass!

While some may prefer the minimalist design, it does create some challenges. In fact, most modern buildings rely on high quality reflective glass or expensive cooling systems to keep the indoor conditions comfortable during summer.

Awnings, on the other hand, are a far simpler solution which reduces the need for switching on the AC or installing expensive windows. In hot climates, awnings can reduce the cooling energy required to keep the interiors at the ideal temperature by almost 33%. Now, that’s seriously impressive!

We bet you had no idea they were so effective, right? Just imagine the savings in terms of money. You might not have to install an AC or expensive heat reflective windows after all!

Paint Your Roof  With Light Colors 

Applying a fresh coat of paint on your roof will not just improve the appearance, but also make your house much cooler. But you can’t just paint your roof any color you desire. It needs to be white and preferably reflective. Doing so would ensure your roof reflects as much heat as possible and absorbs very little.

Many climate experts have researched on this topic and they believe that if most of the buildings and road surfaces were painted with lighter and reflective paints, it would result in massive savings.  

Cover Your House With Vines  

If you are familiar with architecture, you might have come across Frank Lloyd Wright’s famous quote – “a doctor can bury his mistakes, but an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines.”

While that may sound like a bad thing at first, it isn’t. In fact, it can be quite a blessing. Climbers such as ivy, Virginia  creeper, and Russian vine have quite an effect on the temperature fluctuations. The change in temperature can be reduced by almost 50% if the vines cover a major chunk of the exterior walls.

That means if you live in areas with extreme climate conditions (very hot summers and icy cold winters), vines may make a huge difference throughout the year. You won’t just save on air conditioning bills; your heating costs will also go down significantly!

Now, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows here. Not all vines will work with your building material and vice versa. Some vines are known to dig out mortar, damage wood, and ultimately ruin buildings. So, do your research before you plant vines on your walls.

Invest On Better Ventilation Than An Air Conditioner

If your house doesn’t have proper ventilation, it can cost you more than you think. In fact, after facing the cruel sun for the entire day, your house can actually store a significant amount of heat inside. And that is especially true if you don’t have good ventilation.

Even if it is cool outside after the sun sets, the stored heat might make it uncomfortable for you. That’s why changing the ventilation or installing an attic fan, might just make things better, without any need to switch on the AC. And unlike an AC, it’s more of a one-time investment. 

Do Your Cooking Outside

Now, we understand this can’t be a solution for everyone. But if you live in a house with a backyard, you can certainly consider this option. And if that is the case, chances are that you will have a gas barbecue or grill.  

So, even if you don’t do your entire cooking outside, doing a portion of it can also have quite an impact on your energy savings. In case, you aren’t quite warming up to this idea, we can assure you this was a trend back in the days when air conditioners didn’t exist.

Back then, the wealthier population had a separate summer cooking area so that the heat from cooking would not stay trapped inside during the hot season. Of course, you don’t need to be wealthy to pull off the same concept. There are many smart ways to try this out, including portable gas grills. Do your research and we are sure you will come across a solution that suits your needs.

Install Shutters or Blinds

Shutters or blinds can do wonders when it comes to reducing the indoor temperatures. In our opinion, shutters can make a big difference, but they are one of the most overlooked solutions. In fact, they provide shade, ventilation and even security.

Blinds may not be quite as versatile as shutters, but there’s no denying their appeal. Hardly any modern interior can be designed without blinds. And with the right material, you can expect them to improve your energy savings too.

If you are interested in top down/bottom up shades which are cordless, do click the link. They go really well with a modern, minimalist interior, wouldn’t you agree?

Final Words

Well, there you have it – 10 easy and cost-effective ways to keep your house cool and save you some money as well! If you follow any of these ideas mentioned here, Mother Earth will thank you too.

So, go ahead and implement one or more of these ideas right away! And while you are at it, do let us know in the comment section below about your experiences. We would love to hear from you.

Until next time! Ciao!

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