Trend Report: 10 High-Tech, High-Design Bathroom Products for the New Decade

Architecture 18-2-2020 DWell 322

The 20s are shaping up to be a stylish and experimental decade, at least in the bathroom.

Last month we shared our thoughts on six top-notch kitchen products seen at KBIS 2020. This month, we turn our attention to an array of products designed to launch your clients' bathrooms into the new decade—from shower heads and porcelain thrones to high-tech ventilation and medicine cabinets. 

Edge by Axor

Courtesy of Axor

Defined by architectural lines and geometry, this Jean-Marie Massaud–designed luxury faucet series plays with the symmetry of cubes by arranging them in an asymmetrical composition. Diamond-cutting the components—including special blocks textured with micro pyramids—ensures precision in every plane, edge, and chamfer. The faucets are available in multiple configurations and four finishes: polished red gold, polished bronze, polished gold optic, and polished black chrome. 

SurfaceShield by Broan-NuTone

Courtesy of Broan

Perfect for the germophobe—and really anyone who cares about cleanliness—this vent fan incorporates Vital Vio’s antibacterial LED technology. The LEDs are deadly to bacteria, mold, and fungi but safe for humans, pets, and plants. Meanwhile, the ventilation is at once both quiet and powerful, moving air at about 110 cubic feet per minute.

Avian Collection by Danze by Gerber

Courtesy of Danze by Gerber

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